
Being a first year teacher it is very hard to have all of the things necessary to start a classroom. I have had tremendous help from my amazing family and co-workers. The centers that will be available are:

Listening Center:   The Listening Center can accomodate up to 3 children at a time. I will allow the   students to listen to books on tape.

Reading Center:    The reading center can accomodate up to 3 students at a time. It will have chairs available for the students along with everything needed to make reading comfortable.

Home Living Center:  This center can acoomodate up to 2 students. It is equipped with a kitchen, washer, dryer, ironing board, and lots of "food"!

Art Center:   The art center can accomodate up to 2 students at a time. It has a double sided easel that will allow the students to draw with chalk, dry erase markers, fingerpaint, paint pictures, or form words with magnetic letters!

Motor Skills Center:  This includes blocks, playdoh, clay, puzzles, writing tablets, and many more manipulatives that are available for your child's learn abilities! 

Computer Center:   The Computer Center has two computers that have an array of educational programs on them.